Thursday, September 13, 2007

Daniel discusses 'HBP' & 'Deathly Hallows' movies

In two new interviews with Daniel Radcliffe, Dan discusses upcoming filming of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which starts shooting on Monday, September 17 and the soon to be released December Boys.

Dan talks about Rupert's kissing scenes in Half-Blood Prince:
I'm going to be on set pointing at him every time. It's going to be funny. And I'm looking forward to [the seventh movie] when he has to kiss Emma [Watson]!

Dan on condensing book 7 for a movie:

"It's going to be a hell of a challenge for the writer. There's other bits [in other books] you can cut, but I don't see anything in Deathly Hallows you can cut. [Author] Jo [Rowling] always talks about the chapter she had written in her head before anything, when Harry's going to face Voldemort, and I'm really looking forward to doing that. It should be powerful - if I don't screw it up. Of course, I'm saying all this hoping it won't be cut. I don't think it can be, it's so vital."

You can also see video of Dan answering a question in which he talks about what JKR told him about his character in the last book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

In another interview Dan talks about the Horace Slughorn character in the sixth movie, while not mentioning who will be portraying the character and says:

"Most of the time he's gonna be very funny. But then you will really see the dark side of him.
I don't know if I can say. I don't know if it's been announced, and I don't want to spoil any of our surprises."

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