Friday, September 7, 2007

Fic Recommendation - "Taking Control" by Fake A Smile

Our fic for this week is "Taking Control" by Fake A Smile. This is a work in progress but it is so fabulous that I have to recommend it. I normally don't like to start or recommend WIP but this one is a really thriller and the author is very dedicated to the fic and you can also be added to his yahoo groups page for information about updates. He is not just going to leave this fic unfinished.

"Taking Control" covers Harry's summer at the Dursleys after Sirius's death in the 5th book and also into his 6th year. The 6 & 7th books will be irrelevant in this fic. It follows its own path. What I love most about this fic is that Harry grows so much in this story and trains really hard for the upcoming battle with Voldemort. He realizes Dumbledore and the Order are not training him themselves so he trains and learns magic in secret. It also has a Harry/Ginny romance thrown in the story but it is gradual, not immediate like in some fics. It has some arguments between the trio so they are not the best of friends in this fic but the reasons for the arguments are valid and in my opinion it is just Harry standing up for himself and his beliefs while he doesn't do that in cannon.

It is definitely worth a read as it has Harry magically stronger and more developed than in cannon and he is training and fighting in battles with Death Eaters right under the Order's nose. It is funny watching Dumbledore be stuck in a corner. The fic can be found at SIYE here. I highly recommend you stop by and take a look!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great rec! I hope you don't mind if we link to it from our H/G newsletter, The OTP.

Anonymous said...

I like your way of writing! You should post more often…

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