Friday, August 10, 2007

Deathly Hallows Review

JK Rowling did it again!!! I absolutely loved Deathly Hallows from the start at Pivet Drive with the Harry Potter body doubles (poor Hedwig...sacrificed for the greater good) to the horcrux hunt ending with the epic Battle of Hogwarts where the Voldemort/Harry showdown took place. The book actually screamed action, action, action! I thought the twist of the Deathly Hallows in book 7 was interesting and how nobody predicted that in the end it would come down to the elder wand. JK Rowling really threw us for a twist in this book introducing these objects into the fray and the fact that Harry had a deathly hallow in his invisibility cloak since book 1 shows you how well out she planned the story from day 1.

It wasn't a huge shock to me to discover the seventh horcrux was Harry himself. The fact that Harry was a horcrux was heavily predicted (can someone say Melindaleo's "The Seventh Horcrux") and I feel it made sense considering how Harry lived as a baby and his ability to see occasionally through Voldemort and Nagini's eyes and speak Parseltongue. I loved the scene were he was walked to his death with his ghost family by his side and was prepared to give it all up to save others. The resulting battle afterwards where he revealed he was truly alive and not dead was one of the best moments in the book, in my opinion. I loved the final scene that followed where he outsmarted Voldemort and ended the war. Later, in the headmaster's office he shows how truly noble he is by separating the deathly hallows so no other evil could find and use them.

The realization of Snape being in love with Lily and actually good really shocks you to your core. I think in the end he really got what he deserved and I was glad she closed the book with his death. Even though he was on the side of the light and working for Dumbledore I believe his death was warranted on the fact of all the evil acts he committed in his lifetime fighting for both sides. On thing that does irk me is that Jo allowed the Malfoy family to once again get away with murder literally. I would have at least like to have heard that Malfoy Sr. was put in prison or his fortune taken away. It pains me to think that Harry has to put up with that family in the future. If there was ever a sequel I could totally see Lucius being the next Dark Lord. I bet that would be a fun fanfic to write!

On another note, I am glad that most of the Weasley family survived only suffering minor losses with the death of Fred and the loss of George's ear. With such a huge family I was sure Jo was going to off more of them. The loss of both Tonks and Lupin though is really unnecessary I feel. I know in her interview on the Today show she said she wanted to leave behind an orphan similar to how Harry was orphaned in the the first war but we didn't even see how they died in some noble fight she just shows them dead. As far as Mad-Eye Moody's death we aren't glad to see him go but we always knew he would go down fighting.

Finally, I love how the trio stuck together and went off on their horcrux hunt. As much as I would have loved to see more of Ginny in this book it makes sense that it was the three all the way through to the end - they are the foundation of the series. On the other hand, I would have liked to see more of Ginny during the book but it is enough that Harry mentions and thinks of her lovingly and as long as I get my fluffy ending, per the epilogue, I am happy.

Well guys & gals, here are my initial thoughts of the book. Please let me know what you think and feel free to comment with your own opinions of Deathly Hallows. Finite Incantatem!

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