Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Video Clip of Dan at OOTP LA Premiere

During the Los Angeles premiere for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, SnitchSeeker taped an interview Dan Radcliffe gave with a television station on the red carpet in which the actor gives an eerily accurate guess for the ending of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows less than two weeks before the book's release.

There is a transcript of the interview below.


Dan Radcliffe: (On the kissing scene with Katie Leung) … bigger deal than it possibly was. You know, it was fine. In many ways it was like any other scene.

Channel 18: You’re 17 years old. You’re going to play a 16-year-old in the next one?

Dan Radcliffe: Sixteen in the next movie, yeah.

Channel 18: Do you think it’s harder to believe?

Dan Radcliffe: (shakes head no) If you think about, for instance, Brokeback Mountain … at the beginning of it the character’s younger than Heath Ledger and at the end of it he’s older. So, you know, actors play younger roles than their age all the time.

Channel 18: J.K. Rowling has her ending for Harry Potter, what would you like to see happen to Harry?

Dan Radcliffe: I have no idea. You know, I think Harry will live. I didn’t always think that. I think he’ll live. I think maybe Snape will be the hero.

Source: SnitchSeeker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.