Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fic Recommendation - The Refiner's Fire & The Time of Destiny by Abraxan

Its fic recommendation time and I am about to recommend one of my all time favorite fanfictions. This is a classic that you will read over and over again, as I have done. It's called The Refiner's Fire & The Time of Destiny by Abraxan. It can be found here at SIYE on the author's page along with several post-Hogwarts additions called A Fox's Tale, A Very Harry Christmas, Beginnings, Hedwig's Tale, & On Second Thoughts. Though I would recommend reading the main story first otherwise these will not make sense. His fanfiction and author updates can also be found on his website here.

The Refiner's Fire is a sixth year fic that pics up with Harry's life at the Dursleys after the events of 5th year and the death of Sirius. He matures greatly in this chapter of his life and of course we have Voldemort trying to murder Harry every step of the way. His sixth year of Hogwarts is full of exciting adventures at every turn with a little H/G and R/H romance thrown in the mix.

Its sequel The Time of Destiny is really about Harry coming into his own and working with Dumbledore to finish and end the war. This fic covers both the summer before Harry's seventh year, and his entire last year at school. It is a great story about Harry coming into his own with the help of his friends and growing magically into a rival to Voldemort. Plus it includes two fantastic epilogues that really tie up the loose ends of the story.

I really hope you all stop by and read these fics. They are excellently done by a fabulous author that is now currently completing his own book. Please comment and let me know how you like them. Happy Reading! :)

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